Healthcare Team Members Receive Donated Scrubs
September 18, 2018— Albany, GA—The Commodore Conyers College and Career Academy (4C Academy) Healthcare Services pathway instructors, Jessica Blanchard, BSN, RN and Melissa Laslie, BSN, RN, are seeking donations of scrubs to be worn by 4C Academy healthcare students.
According to Blanchard and Laslie, “We know that for our team members to be successful, they must be dressed for the part. Here at the 4C, we ask our team to “Dress for Success” once a week in either scrubs or business attire.” Last semester, the team received multiple donations, many of which came from anonymous donors. “Our program has more than doubled since last semester, which is wonderful news. To accommodate our growing numbers, we are once again asking the community for donations of gentle loved scrubs,” says Blanchard.
4C Academy CEO, Chris Hatcher agrees, “Our goal at the 4C Academy is to prepare our students for the real world. This includes teaching them about situational appropriateness - in which students learn the social norms within their desired field. For medical professionals, this often means wearing scrubs. Our healthcare labs allow our instructors to simulate a variety of healthcare settings such as a hospital room, a medical office or the home care environment. The scrubs allow the instructors to further the simulation as our students prepare for their next steps. We appreciate each and every donation!”
The donated scrubs will be assigned to students in the Healthcare Services pathway. Additional donations are needed and may be dropped off at the school during regular school hours.
Jessica Blanchard
Healthcare Services Instructor, Commodore Conyers College & Career Academy
Chris Hatcher
CEO, Commodore Conyers College & Career Academy
Ph: 229-431-1562
About 4C Academy:
The mission of the Commodore Conyers College & Career Academy is to produce college and career ready graduates with relevant skills and education and exceptional work ethic who can compete and succeed in the real world. Our partners include local business and industry, the Dougherty County School System, Albany Technical College, Albany State University, the Albany/Dougherty Economic Development Commission, and the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce. In addition, we have partnered with the Calhoun, Terrell and Baker County School Systems.