"How to Begin New Chapters in Your Life as You Age Into the New Year"

Clarice Henry

English 1101 Student Submission

As the wind hits my face in the cool winter breeze, I stare out the window of the bus with my thoughts discombobulated. With the year coming to an end, I have yet to discover the true meaning of separating the image of my life constructed by my self-conscious life from the reality of my monotonous life. In today’s society, one has heard the phrase “new year; new me.” However, I truly believe this form of expression has gained a blinded perception of how to wholeheartedly uncover one’s inner self. Opposed to stating these illogical words, it is better to say “new year, same you!” Though the forthcoming of 2022 is quickly approaching, an individual should strive to become just a better version of him that already exists.

For one to partake in the journey of finding his pure self, it begins with opening new chapters in his life, starting with introspection. Introspection can be defined as the observation of his personal emotional and mental feelings. Even though mental health has frequently gone unnoticed in the eyes of an average person for the lack of representation, it has slowly procured a role in the media as a concept that needs to be discussed. For example, there is a negative stigma of men receiving help with their mental health in present-day. Acquiring aid with one's mental health should not be viewed in a dreadful aspect. There is a substantial amount of healthiness that comes with the communication with a therapist. The negative light of men pursuing help with their mental health correlates with the ideology of toxic masculinity, an idea in which one believes that men should behave as stereotypical characters. In the year 2022, individuals should seek to obtain assistance with balancing their mental well-being to live a flourishing life. 

Another way to begin new chapters is to become open-minded. For instance, since the start of the global pandemic, I have learned that diving into a new hobby has benefited me in ways that are completely unimaginable.  Prior to COVID-19, I stayed within my comfort zone; therefore, when the disaster struck, I deeply regretted not allowing myself to endeavor into new activities. During my time in quarantine, I have read poems, interacted with my family, as well as learned various k-pop dances from my favorite artists. 

For the year ahead, I encourage ones to merely attempt ridiculous adventures to free his story eagerly prepared for him. Whether it's jumping out of an airplane or even eating that unique burger that disgusts him, one will never know what awaits until a new chapter has begun.